December 6, 2005

Had Women's group tonight...

What a long day....cleaned house...well I should back up...I started last night making cheesecakes (why do I commit to saying I'm going to make these things because when I do it's when time ends up being limited.), anyway stayed up till 12:30 a.m. making cheesecakes last night. By the time I got things cleaned up and took my shower it was after 1 a.m. Colton got up about 6:45 I think...Then I was lucky enough to coax him back to bed and I stayed there till a little after 7. Then I cleaned house, mopped floors, tried to get some stuff done. The women's group was at my house tonight which I think it went well. Esther made the meal while it was my job to make dessert. Esther made an awesome meal of Spaghetti pizza, breen beans and salad. Bless her heart she even did most of the dishes too. It was so sweet. Group was good, we laughed as usual. Michelle is such a hoot and though she doesn't think she's a leader, she is and a great one at that. Eveyone seemed to have a good time. I just felt a little self concious though cause most of these people have really really nice homes and though I have a nice house, I have hand me down furniture and old carpet that's coming off the floor. Not only that, it truly is ugly..but I won't let hubby replace it until the boys get a little older and quit spilling stuff on the floor all the time. Won't be too much longer hopefully...though Brennan did spill a glass of root beer tonight. It's nice to belong to a group and even better yet belong to a group where I don't have to lead. It's nice for someone else to lead for a change. It's nice to be involved, though I'm one of the newest members of this group and not totally comfortable yet, I think that will change in time.

Oh, I have a praise! The girls I babysit during the week. Their mom got a call from her ex. The girls have been staying the whole weekend with their Dad during his weekend and it had been really messing them up. It would upset me to see them come back from being with him and they would just be bawling and crying and just totally confused as to what was happeneing to them. Well he's agreed to only keep them on Friday night and they'd come home on Saturday. I'm so glad! I think that they'll not only do better, but Monday's here will go smoother. Alaina always act so whiney and is so scared of things after she's been at her dads. Some parents may think that divorce doesn't hurt their children but it so does, in so many ways. I'm so glad that I grew up in a home with my mom and dad and that Kevin & I are determined that we'll always be together (and one of us would have to kill the other to get out...only kidding). If you are a child from a broken home or a parent of a broken family, I'm sending out a prayer to you tonight. May God show his rich blessings upon you and just know that no matter what happens in life GOD ALWAYS LOVES YOU! And HE WILL NEVER LEAVE! God bless you!

Well I have some other things to take care of before hitting the hay so I better go.

Later friends!


1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

Women's groups can be so fun and are so necessary. Although so many women have no idea how much good a group of women can do for them. :) I know women don't usually do all that well with other women but we do need each other so much....even if we're different...especially if we're different. Jesus Christ is the great equalizer. :)
Thank you for opening your home. Its so good to have people who contribute in what ever way they can...this is a group effort...this pursuit of Christ...we all need to participate.

As for the kids of divorce...I second you wholeheartedly! It is the bane of this nation...a true disaster...God help us all. I pray He never lets me get lazy in my marriage...outs are too easy to come by.