June 14, 2006

Saw this on another blog...

This morning...I know...morning...I was blogging this morning...must be something up with that since I am NOT a morning person, but the Lord woke me up this morning with a beautiful sunny day, I read His Word and decided to blog...go figure?

First of all...It seems like I've been dealing with a lot of negative...a lot of junk lately and I'm just trying...hard...to get through it. Just a lot of negative attitudes and just plain junk. I just prayed this morning that God would just help me get through the junk and find the good and remain positive about it...to stay positive and not only that...be contagious to others.

Anyways...I read this on one of the blogs I peruse once in a while and thought I'd share it...

What delights you? What are the things that give you pleasure? Notice your moments of joy and make a list of all the things that bring you gladness. Don’t try to analyze what should bring you happiness. Instead, just notice what DOES!

I love this! It goes along with the idea of not making things more complicated than they need to be. Don’t worry about what you think you are supposed to be doing, based on anyone else’s standards or notions. You are uniquely you. God has put desires in you for a reason. Do what you have a natural bent to do, and it will most likely bring you happiness and be a blessing to others. So what I needed to read today...find the joy in something...

So, what brings you joy? Go out and do it today! And tell me about it!


Jada's Gigi said...

I love this thought...It goes along with what my hubby often says "it makes me smile" which translates to it brings me joy or at least pleasure....
breathing in gardenias makes me smile...cool night breeezes make me smile....my Jadabear makes me smile....:)...my plush carpet in the BR makes me smile when I wiggle my toes in it...my hubby's detail oriented personality makes me smile...my kids cards on my birthday make me smile..and cry...lol...strawberry shortcake makes me smile...singing praises to my Lord definitley makes me smile...whew...list goes on and on...I guess I find joy in lots of places...hope you do too!

Tammy said...


Your post about strawberry shortcake reminded me of going with the boys Monday to pick berries and we just had strawberry shortcakes tonight...yes that makes me smile too