April 18, 2007

Unfortunately the reality of today...

Just received a distrubing phone call...I had seen on the news about a school in Columbus area was put into lock down this morning...nothing disclosed as to why.

Then I just received a phone call from our school's superintendent that an e-mail threat was sent to an area school (assuming it was the school in question) and that our school district was not one of the school's involved and that our children are indeed safe and that we shouldn't be alarmed (unfortunately receiving a call like that scared me to death and I'm literally shaking). Unfortunately that is the reality of today's society...getting calls like that make homeschooling maybe not such a bad idea...

Keep Virginia Tech in your prayers of course with what they are dealing with and for those sick people who think that scaring people and taking lives is funny or a sport. Pray for our country, pray for peace...pray for our children.

Here is a website I found showing those who fell victim to this senseless shooting...check it out here...my heart goes out to the families. Just goes to show that you never know when your time is up...make sure your life is right cause you just never ever know.

1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

It is a scary world we live in...hope your weekend is nice and relaxing..