When it comes to talking about my half marathon training, I'm all about keeping it real. As much as I would love to post about how half marathon training is like rainbows and butterflies it just isn't always going to be that way...that just isn't reality. At least I've found that it's never been MY reality. Life gets messy...things get messy and it sometimes just isn't so pretty.
This past Friday I did my run at Kids America because it was just too cold outside and we had ice earlier in the day. (It's funny how last year I was out in snow and rain and cold...this year I'm such a wuss...lol!) Anyway, I ran in my new Mizuno Wave Rider 16's again and I think I finally broke them in. It was a good, actually really good 6 mile run. Felt really good, did a nice negative split on my last mile...it was really good.
So this morning I opted to do my long run. Now I usually try to do my long runs on the weekend, but with my middle son's birthday party and the weather I opted to do another Monday long run (and can I just say I really like it, starting off the week with the long run). Now I've been trying to finally get to my 10 miler....the last couple weeks it just wasn't working out and I'd get to about 9 miles and would just have to quit...just couldn't go any farther. Well on the good side of things, I was finally able to break through that. 10.29 miles to be exact. I was able to do it in 1:36:56 with a pace of 9:24...was pretty happy with that, and I was even able to pull off negative splits the last 3 miles of my run which I was pretty happy about. After today's run I think I may be able to do this. Though I know most plans say that you only need to train to about 10 miles in order to do the half...the type A personality in me is thinking I need to not only make sure I can do 13.1, but I may if I feel up to it try to surpass that. I figure in my mindset that if I can go past that then surely I can do it and in my mind it won't seem such a hard feat. I'll be honest by the time I got to 10 miles I was glad it was about over....again after my long run I'm saying to myself...how am I going to add more miles to this?? I think come race day it will be ok. I need to calm my mind for sure.
So then for the the bad and ugly....so about half way through my run my stomach was really starting to bother me. I know this may be a bit of TMI but I'm about keeping it real and helping inform others so if they are training too that they will know what can happen. Well anyway I really needed to find a bathroom...and of course my long run I usually go to our local park called Lake Park across town. Now, this place is a nice place to run and pretty hopping when the weather is warmer...not so much this time of year...which is fine for me...except when you are looking for a bathroom. I usually run around the Lake Park campground...which I might add is the FARTHEST point from my house possible...so I thought I would try to see if the campground bathroom was open....of course it was not...not that I was surprised. Needless to say I went to try the bathroom which was probably less than a half mile away by the pool...nada there too. So back around the Lake I go...I got around the soccer fields and back up by the lake and crossing over the parking lots and I see it....the port-o-potty. Definitely not my first choice by any means...but desperate times you know....so thankful it was there. Felt better afterwards but not sure what caused it. Not sure if it was the egg I had for breakfast or the orange juice/ pineapple smoothie....I'm gonna guess the OJ....so now I'll know not to do that again before a run. I usually have those AFTER a run...don't think I've ever had one before....and I will definitely won't be doing that again....not good at all. So lesson learned.
So 67 days until the Cap City Half Marathon...I think I may actually be able to pull this off. :)
Have a great week everyone!
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