The walls are painted...need one more coat I think, then I'll take "after" pictures, except I forgot to paint the closet!!! So that may have to wait until tomorrow...I'm just too tired and sore now. It looks nice, but seems odd to's been baby blue for 10 years. No more Precious Moments angels border. Austin is really liking it though..which I guess is what matters. I think it's going to be so cozy! Maybe one day mommy and daddy will finally get their room done ;-) One thing at a time. Hoping to have Austin's room done by next week that way he can get out of the living room and back into his own room.
Well I'm tired and sore and hubby bless his heart drew me a bath with my last (and favorite) Basin bath bomb in it...what a sweetie!
Later all~
So nice to get things done! can;t wait to see the after pics! Now go soak! :)
YOU have been tagged! Go to my blog to check it out!
Oops, it's on my THE "Kreative Karma" blog!
Wow! How do I get my hub-a-dub to draw me a tub of water? Kidding.
It is nice to get things done around the house eh? Wait... is a house ever "finished"?
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