December 15, 2008 name is Tammy...and you are??

I know how lame am I?? Well let me tell ya, I've been quite busy as usual and every time I think it's going to let up...on comes something else. I just started buying Christmas gifts on Sunday and hoping and praying they get here by Christmas Eve or I'm going to have some very unhappy people on my hands...I don't think I've ever waited this long and it seems to get worse every to those whom I give gifts to....I'm already apologizing for next year because let's face's just not getting any better I'm afraid ;-)

Still working at the church, which in all honesty is a huge blessing cause it has helped pay some of the bills. And it's nice to be amongst adults and be around in the outside world a bit more, but my home is missing me if you catch my drift. Between the job and hustle and bustle of the holidays, my house is not in the best shape...not only that I just got out our Christmas decorations Saturday and my tree is still sitting in the living room with no lights...It truly is sad. Though lights are usually hubby's job, though may have to take that one on as well...once I get twenty minutes ;-) ...Hey maybe after Christmas!

Well as much as I could ramble on and on I've gota ton of things on my plate that I really need to be doing, so until I get those extra twenty minutes...thsi little update will have to do for ya!

Hope all is well with you and that you have a Merry Christmas!