October 30, 2009


Happy Friday! What a crazy crazy week...we had trick or treating last night, then my Signature Home party last night, then just got back from Brennan's Harvest party at school...I tell ya I am one whipped little puppy...so glad for the weekend to almost be here.

Some random ramblings...cause it's been a long week and I can't seem to stay on a train of thought long :-) So reflecting on some milestones I've acheived lately...Hubby & I recently celebrated our 20th anniversary...Colton turned 7 not too long ago...but another milestone that will be acheived this weekend that proves to me that in fact my babies are growing up...my eldest is going on his first out-of-town Youth trip and Mommy & Daddy won't be there to monitor him...going to be interesting...for both of us. I'm so used to keeping my babies close and it's hard to believe that my first baby is old enough to be in Youth...scary! But it's true.

Things I'm thankful for:

- God's beauty in the leaves and the awesome canvas He paints for me everyday!
- The fact that daylight savings time is this weekend! I so need that extra hour sleep!
- That the puppy we found wandering around loose last night found it's owner! Thank God!

Sorry to make this short, but B & C are getting out of school early today...early dismissal day, and I need to go get them before they thik I've abandoned them.

Have a super great weekend!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hey Tammy!! How you are doing these days? Good I hope.

Isn't it funny how this time of the year just gets busier and busier! I am always finding myself this time of year trying to take a breath...

Congrats on 20 years, that's amazing!

I remember when A went on her first youth trip away from us too. D was deployed at the time so it was just me and the dogs home for a week. It was pretty fun the first day actually and then progressively as the days went by I found myself counting down the time to when A would come home again! LOL. Maybe if D had been home it would of been better! But when A came home, she had SO many stories to share. It was fabulous!
I am sure he will do fine!

Homeschooling huh? That is a huge praise for you girlie! I have been praying about it for years and am open to it waiting for God to give me that sign, but alas nothing... So A stays in school where her light can shine there, and honestly she has very good teachers. I think homeschooling can be so rewarding, so hang in there!

Have a blessed weekend!